
Christoph Sydora, PhD

Postdoc at the University of Alberta, Department of Computing Science


  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Computing Science, University of Alberta, Canada 2020 - 2024
  • Master of Science (MSc) in Computing Science – Thesis Based Program, University of Alberta, Canada 2017 - 2019
  • Bachelor of Science (BSc) with Specialization in Computing Science - Science Internship Program, University of Alberta, Canada 2011 - 2016
  • University Exchange, University of Sydney, Australia 2014 - 2014


I am a Postdoc at the University of Alberta, working with Dr. Eleni Stroulia in the Software Systems Research Group (SSRG). While my studies are in the field of Computing Science, my research has primarily been in the area of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and its applications. This includes automated building model evaluation/checking and rule encoding, automated design, occupancy simulation, augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) model viewing, and cloud-based model repositories and services.

Publication List

Name Location Date
Leveraging Generative Design and Point Cloud Data to Improve Conformance to Passing Lane Layout Sensors: Special Issue on LiDAR Sensors Applied in Intelligent Transportation Systems 01/2024
Comparative Analysis of Room Generation Methods Using Rule Language-Based Evaluation in BIM European Conference on Computing in Construction (EC3) and International CIB W78 Conference 07/2023
Building Occupancy Simulation and Analysis under Virus Scenarios ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems: Special Issue on Understanding the Spread of COVID-19 01/2022
BIM-kit: An Extendible Toolkit for Reasoning about Building Information Models European Conference on Computing in Construction (EC3) 07/2021
Rule-Based Compliance Checking and Generative Design for Building Interiors Using BIM Automation in Construction 12/2020
Image-to-Level: Generation and Repair 16th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE-20) 10/2020
Critical lifting simulation of heavy industrial construction in gaming environment Facilities 06/2020
Generative Interior Design using BIM 6th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys) 11/2019
A Study of Simple Partially-Recovered Sensor Data Imputation Methods 15th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM) 10/2019
Towards sustainable construction: BIM-enabled design and planning of roof sheathing installation for prefabricated buildings Journal of Cleaner Production 07/2019
Prototyping for real-time heavy lift simulation using game engine system CIB World Building Congress 2019: Constructing Smart Cities (CIB-WBC) 06/2019
Towards Rule-Based Model Checking of Building Information Models Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC) 05/2019
* Augmented Reality on Building Information Models 9th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA) 07/2018
Optimizing multi-wall panel configuration for panelized construction using BIM International Structural Engineering & Construction Conference (ISEC) 07/2017

* Received Best Student Paper Award

Project List

Title Info Research Group Year
Rule Learning via Generated Examples Learning design rules from a series of examples. Examples are generated using original more expressive ruleset. Resulting learned rules are then used to generate new examples which can be evaluated against original rules to determine closeness between original rules and learned rules. Software Systems Research Group, UofA 2024
Highway Generative Design Applying the generative design from BIMkit to automated sign placement on highway road segments. Existing highway data is input as Point Clouds from LiDAR sensors and converted to 3D mesh representations for evlaution and design. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UofA 2023
University Commons Demo Imported a model of the new University Commons building on Campus to BIMkit. Added functionality for doing some basic room searches and path planning. Software Systems Research Group, UofA 2022
Virtual Reality Room Design Using Oculus VR headsets, we extract room information (walls, windows, doors, floors) and upload to BIMkit. From there all BIMkit services (Model checking and automated interior design) can be called and displayed in the VR environment. Software Systems Research Group, UofA 2022
Improved Rule-based Generative Design Improving on the generative design process in BIM-kit. Generally looking to improve on the solution convergence speed and resulting layouts. Also new evaluations (simulation and subjective rules) and over time more operations (wall movement). Software Systems Research Group, UofA 2021
Building Model Rule-Editor Comparison Ongoing project that looks to compare different methods for creating and editing Building Codes into the Model-Checking Rule Language developed during my MSc. The comparison includes three editors: 1) Simple constraint-based editor in Windows Forms by me. 2) Blockly GUI editor by Samuel Jaeger. 3) Natural Language-based editor developed by a CMPUT401 Team as part of their final project with myself acting as "client". Software Systems Research Group, UofA 2021
Search UI
Implementation of the Compressed Differential Heuristic Reimplemented the 2011 paper from Goldber et at. on Compressed Differential Heuristics, essentially verifying their results. Solo project under Dr. Nathan Sturtevant. CMPUT 658: Department of Computing Science, UofA 2021
Simulation example image
Occupancy Simulator for Contact Tracing Due to the 2020 pandemic, we shifted some efforts towards creating a tool for simulating occupant behaviour within a building. This was done to create an informative tool for determining and comparing building management scenarios and the extent to which they reduce virus transmission. Software Systems Research Group, UofA 2020
BIM-kit Collection of Tools/Applications and Web Services that together store, modify, and evaluate Building Information Modeling (BIM) models. Preliminary Work for PhD research as a testbed for BIM related research. New tools being added over time. Software Systems Research Group, UofA 2020
Virus Simulation
Virus Risk Predictor A simple Unity simulation that has agents run around a field, predicting their risk of contracting a virus based on different virus and population parameters. It then validates its prediction by injecting a virus and observing the resulting effects. Done as part of an individual course project under Dr. Omid Ardakanian. CMPUT 500: Department of Computing Science, UofA 2020
Image to Level
Image-To-Level Game Generator Generated 2D game levels, such as Super Mario Bros, from images. The generated game levels were then modified to better match true game levels using a repair phase, which was either using a trained Markov Chain or Autoencoder. Done as part of a course project under Dr. Matthew Guzdial. CMPUT 652: Department of Computing Science, UofA 2020
Generated Livingroom
Rule-Based Building Model Checking and Automated Design MSc Thesis. Developed a Domain Specific Language (DSL) for encoding design rules for automatically checking 3D building models. DSL was then further utilized for a simplistic generative interior design case study. Software Systems Research Group, UofA 2019
Link to Video Virtual Building Tour for City of Edmonton Proposed Designs Served as a co-client with the City of Edmonton for a CMPUT 401 group project. The group developed a virtual building tour mobile application for proposed city building projects. Software Systems Research Group, UofA 2018
Missing Data Figure
Missing Data Imputation for Wireless Sensor Network Comparison of missing data imputation techniques for wireless sensor networks given different sensor data correlations from a real-world dataset. Done as part of an individual course project under Dr. Ioanis Nikolaidis. CMPUT 640: Department of Computing Science, UofA 2018
Augmented Reality on Building Information Models Individual Course Project under Dr. Eleni Stroulia using BIMServer to store Ifc building models and Unity to display them in an Augmented Reality scene, using QR codes for localization. CMPUT 660: Department of Computing Science, UofA 2018
Home Battery Controller using Reinforcement Learning Program that attempted to learn the optimal policy for a home battery charge and discharge based on connection to solar panels and a variable rate, energy buy-back grid. Done as part of two team group course project under Dr. Omid Ardakanian. CMPUT 644: Department of Computing Science, UofA 2017
Connection between BIMServer and Unity Game Engine Project was to set up BIMServer and have the ability to download and display a model into the Unity Game Engine which could then be interactable. Done as a solo project under Dr. Eleni Stroulia. CMPUT 605: Department of Computing Science, UofA 2017
Crane Simulation
Crane Simulator Unity Game Engine based simulator for lift analysis and training. Supported the use of multiple users in a single synchronized environment. Work done during the SIP with Dr. Zhen Lei. Hole School of Construction Engineering, UofA 2016
Roof Sheathing
Roof Sheathing Optimization Application that uses Particle Swarm Optimization to search for roof sheathing configurations that reduce waste and minimize the number of required cuts. Also included shop drawing for sheathing cutting and layouts. Work was done with Dr. Hexu Liu during Science Internship Program (SIP). Hole School of Construction Engineering, UofA 2016
FrameX: Automated Building Framing Addon to Autodesk Revit Autodesk Revit Addon which automatically frames buildings based on user specifications. Other features include automated drywall layout, shop drawing generation, multi-wall configuration, and CNC code generation. Initial work started by Benjamin Holmwood and I during our SIP. Has since had a number of interns work on it over the years which I trained and supervised. Hole School of Construction Engineering, UofA 2015

Contact Information:


LinkedIn: link

Google Scholar: link

ResearchGate: link

GitHub: link

Documents: CV, Resume